So that we can help find your dog the most suitable new home we need as much information as possible. We aim to match dog to home, to ensure that both new owners and dog will be happy. If your dog has any medical problems or has bitten - we need to know, so please be honest.

Please note we do our best as a rescue organisation but on average it takes 3 months to find a dog a new home. If you are leaving the country, have a baby on the way, are separating from your partner, being evicted or know you are going to have to find your dog a new home DON'T leave it until the last minute, give us as much time as you can to help find your dog a new forever home.

We try to move dogs from home to home where possible this is less stressful for the dogs. WE DO NOT HAVE OUR OWN CENTRE. WE CANNOT FIND NEW HOMES IN 2 DAYS.

PLEASE DO NOT COMPLETE THIS FORM UNLESS YOU ARE PREPARED TO KEEP YOUR DOG UNTIL A NEW HOME IS FOUND. Our kennel space is limited and there is a waiting list for a space. We will add your dog's details to the website once your dog has been assessed by the rescue.

Please complete the form below, attaching a picture if possible. Once your form has been submitted someone from German Shepherd Rescue Scotland will be in touch to arrange for a volunteer come out and assess your dog.


Please tell us about your dog.

(Please note: Photographs must be less than 2M and be in jpg format.)

Please help us by completing your vet details in full. If you don't know them take a few minutes to go and look them up.